In July 1923, activists gathered in Seneca Falls, New York, to unveil the Equal Rights Amendment to commemorate the struggle for constitutional gender equality and enshrine the principle of gender equality under the law.

Now, exactly 100 years later, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is leading a bold new strategy to finally certify the Equal Rights Amendment. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Right now, a single arbitrary deadline is the ONLY THING stopping the Equal Rights Amendment from being added to our Constitution.
  • Senator Gillibrand’s resolution would allow us to circumvent that non-binding deadline – instructing the Archivist of the United States to certify and publish the ERA as the 28th Amendment and declaring the ERA as enforceable.
  • And once the ERA is certified, it gives us a constitutional basis to accomplish so much of what we’ve spent decades fighting for: ending the gender pay gap, protecting marriage equality and even restoring reproductive rights nationwide.

Add your name in support of her ERA Now Resolution!


The New York Times | Democrats Try a Novel Tactic to Review the Equal Rights Amendment

The Hill | Democrats Unveil Fresh Effort to Revive Equal Rights Amendment

NPR News | Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on the Equal Rights Amendment

Hysteria (Crooked Media) | Senator Kirsten Gillibrand talks the Equal Rights Amendment